• Foods and Grooves is an annual multi-genre music, arts, and food festival that takes place in Indio, California. The festival’s artistic style varies every year, embodying the theme of that year’s celebrated artistic style.

    The Foods and Grooves Logo and varying illustrative styles showcase the joyfulness and dynamism of the festival. The color used in Foods & Grooves branding is to be interchangeable each year and be complementary to the artistic theme of the year, regardless of the theme. This concept of versatility and artistic expression should be embraced and reflected in all Foods & Grooves’ branding applications.

  • Foods and Grooves’ mission is to bring artists of varying backgrounds together in celebration of their talents. Whether it be taco connoisseurs, pop-funk enthusiasts, or oil painting masters, Foods and Grooves are here to celebrate. Artists and their fans can come together and share their love for the arts and the environment at the festival.

  • All of the promotional products produced for the festival are made from recycled paper and card stock. To maintain their commitment to not negatively impacting the environment, the color palette for the festival is limited to one key color every year. This color varies each year as well as the artistic style of the festival. The style choice for this year’s festival is dry ink-pen-styled art. This style is reflected across all promotional products as well as the merchandise that is sold. In order to maintain the ability to vary in style every year, the festival has chosen to use a sans-serif typeface in its logo and in its event advertisements.



The foods and Grooves color palette consists of one primary color for this year’s event. Although the color palette varies yearly depending on the theme of the event, it is ideal to select one single color that will be used as the primary color.

The consistent use of color throughout the selected branding theme of each year will create recognition and strengthen the identity of the supplied shades of grey. The remaining shades of black with tints applied will be used as the assisting color in accompaniment with the designated color of the year throughout the theme of this year’s design.

This year’s color is mustard:
CMYK: 14,29,75,0
RGB: 220,178,94





Go Go Grandma


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